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Greenhouse Management

Standard 1.0 Specify correct procedures for handling pesticides andusing general safety practices in the greenhouse.

Learning Expectations and Performance Indicators:

1.1 Follow industry safety standards in thegreenhouse and work area.

1.2 Evaluate proper chemical/pesticide safetystandards.

1.3 Assess the purpose of worker protectionstandards.

1.4 Compare the uses and types of chemicals used ingreenhouse production.

1.5 Complete safety test with 100 percent accuracy.

1.6 Obtain the worker protection standards studentindustry certification.

Standard 2.0 Evaluate greenhouse structural types and components.

Learning Expectations and Performance Indicators:

2.1 Identify greenhouse types based on their endwall shape.

2.2 Identify greenhouse construction materials.

2.3 Evaluate climate control systems.

2.4 Evaluate growing systems, including watering,fertilizing, and plant placement.

Standard 3.0 Evaluate the properties of different types of soil media.

Learning Expectations and Performance Indicators:

3.1 Explain the major functions of growing media.

3.2 Analyze and explain the attributes of growingmedia.

3.3 Compare cost effectiveness of premix orpersonal mix.

Standard 4.0 Evaluate the different plant structures and functions ofthose structures.

Learning Expectations and Performance Indicators:

4.1 Evaluate the importance of plant structures.

4.2 Explain the functions of plant structures.

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Standard 5.0 Evaluate proper methods of asexual plant propagation.

Learning Expectations and Performance Indicators:

5.1 Examine methods of plant propagation.

5.2 Compare the benefits of asexual versus sexualreproduction.

5.3 Evaluate the techniques of sexual and asexualreproduction of plants.

Standard 6.0 Assess proper nutrition and watering techniques withgreenhouse crops.

Learning Expectations and Performance Indicators:

6.1 Evaluate the benefits of proper watering ofplants.

6.2 Explain the benefits of proper nutrition ofplants.

6.3 Examine and distinguish how water pH interactswith plant growth.

Standard 7.0 Select greenhouse crops in greenhouse production.

Learning Expectations and Performance Indicators:

7.1 Evaluate and explain the use of differentgreenhouse crop species for production.

7.2 Compare the advantages and disadvantages ofcommon plants grown in greenhouses.

7.3 Identify common greenhouse plants.

7.4 Distinguish between annual, biennial andperennial plants.

Standard 8.0 Demonstrate organizational skills and work ethics necessaryin greenhouse production.

Learning Expectations and Performance Indicators:

8.1 Explain the skills to manage the completeproduction schedules.

8.2 Evaluate and explain work habits needed tocreate a positive atmosphere.

8.3 Evaluate the importance of recordkeeping.

Standard 9.0 Evaluate the control of common diseases and pests usingintegrated pest management.

Learning Expectations and Performance Indicators:

9.1 Evaluate the effects of common diseases ingreenhouse production.

9.2 Evaluate the effects of common pests ingreenhouse production.

9.3 Assess and explain common methods of control ofgreenhouse pests and diseases.

9.4 Evaluate the effectiveness of integrated pestmanagement (IPM) for controlling greenhouse pests and diseases.

Standard 10.0 Demonstrate premier leadership and personal growth neededin a greenhouse management career.

Learning Expectations and Performance Indicators:

10.1 Discuss how the FFA has changed as agriculturehas changed.

10.2 Develop public speaking skills needed in thegreenhouse industry.

10.3 Conduct meetings, using approved parliamentarylaw.

10.4 Develop an SAEP,supervised agricultural experience program, for a greenhouse enterprise.


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