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Advance Principles of Agriculture

Standard 1.0

Analyze the career opportunities available in theagriculture industry and develop plans for entry into the area of personalinterest.

LearningExpectations and Performance Indicators:

1.1Specify and explain career opportunity requirements in the area of agricultureat the local, regional, state, national and international levels.

1.2Prepare categories of employment in nonagricultural

careersthat may have resulted from instruction or training in agriculture.

1.3Determine and explain the role of agencies that lend support to the agricultureindustry.

Standard 2.0

Demonstrate skills needed for career planning,keeping records and leadership in the agriculture industry.

LearningExpectations and Performance Indicators:

2.1Plan, conduct and maintain records on an SAEP, supervised agriculturalexperience program.

2.2Relate the knowledge and skills learned in the SAEP to an agriculture career.

2.3Assess skills that may be developed by individuals in leadership roles.

2.4Demonstrate public speaking skills.

2.5Demonstrate methods and techniques of parliamentary procedure.

2.6Conduct and facilitate group discussions and planning committees.

Standard 3.0

Relate the basic principles of animal science tolivestock selection, health and maintenance.

LearningExpectations and Performance Indicators:

3.1Determine the function of the anatomical parts of an animal.

3.2Evaluate the digestive processes of ruminant and nonruminant animals and theterminology associated with these processes.

3.3Explain terminology, ration formulation, and feeding techniques necessary formaximizing livestock gains and cost efficiency.

3.4Recognize symptoms of disease and parasites and determine what treatment andcontrol method is to be used.

3.5Relate terminology associated with livestock selection and evaluation.

Standard 4.0

Relate the principles of soil formation,management and capability to crop production and construction uses.

LearningExpectations and Performance Indicators:

4.1Relate the basic principles of soils to plant science and crop production.

4.2Determine the physical properties of soil necessary for selecting crops anddetermining conservation techniques.

4.3Determine the factors that influence the rate of soil erosion.

4.4Recommend soil management practices necessary for proper soil conservation.

4.5Specify the land capability classes.

4.6Prescribe the procedures for taking a soil sample.

Standard 5.0

Demonstrate the basic principles of agriculturalmechanics, including metalworking, plumbing, electricity, land leveling andland measuring.

LearningExpectations and Performance Indicators:

5.1Demonstrate safety precautions used in agricultural mechanics.

5.2Complete a safety test with 100 percent accuracy.

5.3Demonstrate a working knowledge of metalwork necessary for the basicmaintenance of an agricultural enterprise.

5.4Discuss the use of plumbing tools and equipment necessary for agriculturalmaintenance.

5.5Demonstrate various techniques used to measure and calculate a plot of land.

5.6Demonstrate techniques of profile and differential leveling in determining landelevation.

5.7Specify and explain a working knowledge of electricity.

Standard 6.0

Implement the integration of academic competenciesin Advanced Principles of Agricultural Sciences.

LearningExpectations and Performance Indicators:

6.1Calculate square footage to determine acreage in a plot of ground.

6.2Properly use a measurement device to determine length and width.

6.3Calculate cost per unit in a bill of materials.

6.4Convert from the metric measurements to English measurements and the reverseconversion.

6.5Assess chemical properties related to soil productivity.

6.6Analyze soil fertility and composition.

6.7Examine chemical properties used in fusing metal.

6.8Analyze anatomy and physiology of animals.

6.9Determine nutritional needs of animals, based on energy needs.

6.10Compare the effects of diseases and pests on animal health.

Standard 7.0

Demonstrate premier leadership and personal growthin the area of Advanced Principles of Agricultural Sciences.

LearningExpectations and Performance Indicators:

7.1Explain the importance of a positive work ethic and attitude.

7.2Develop problem solving skills associated with a supervised agricultureexperience program.

7.3Demonstrate the ability to conduct meetings in accordance with Robert’s Rulesof Order.

7.4Prepare speeches to communicate the needs, concerns and challenges of theagricultural community.


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